Transfer on Death Deeds – Do I still need a living trust?

Under ordinary circumstances, if you own real property at your death in California and it is not titled in joint tenancy or held in a living trust, you would be facing a probate situation. In 2015, California created a special form of “revocable transfer on death deed” that (1) makes a donative transfer of real property to […]

Will the 2020 Election Affect Your Property Taxes?

By the Law Offices of Lisa C. Bryant, INC. When you own or invest in property, there is a lot to think about. You have to think about repairs, get in contact with someone like my conveyancing if you’re wanting to invest in a new property, keep an eye on the state of the market, and on […]

When should you review your estate plan?

Reviewing your estate plan will alert you to any changes that need to be addressed. For example, you may need to make changes to your plan to ensure it meets all of your goals, or when an executor, trustee, or guardian can no longer serve in that capacity. You’ll probably want to do a quick review each year, because changes in the economy and in the tax code often occur on a yearly basis. Every five years, do a more thorough review.

What is a Living Trust?

A living trust is a legal document that serves you during life if you become incapacitated and at your death.

Can a Special Needs Trust help with tax deductions?

The benefits of having a SNT are many and taxes are only a part of it. Other benefits include the ability to keep needs-based public benefits, appropriate financial and asset management,  and identifying individuals and/or corporate fiduciaries to administer the assets and advocate for the benefit of the special needs person.

Avoid These 5 Common Estate Planning Mistakes

Often it can be too easy to put off making an estate plan or updating an existing one. Do not wait for something unexpected to happen.  Here are 5 mistakes to avoid before it’s too late.

When Do I Need to Update My Estate Plan?

With the ongoing concerns related to Coivd-19, many spouses and individuals have thought their estate planning documents.  If you have already done the work to make an estate plan, now may be a good time to revisit it to ensure that you still feel the same way about what you put into your documents several years ago.