Should Californians be prepared to pay estate tax by 2021?

California has not had any kind of a statewide estate, gift, or generation-skipping transfer tax since prior to 2005, however, with the proposal of a new bill introduced by California State Senator Scott Wiener, that could all change.

Top 7 Phone Apps for Seniors

With technology, seniors have the tools and assistance to be more independent.There are some applications (“apps”) which can help assist with your daily routine. Here are the top 7 for you to check out.

Not Talking About Estate Planning Is More Expensive Than It Sounds

On behalf of Lisa Bryant of The Law Offices of Lisa C. Bryant, Inc. posted in Estate Planning on Monday, April 10th, 2017.

Estate planning, like politics and religion, is one of those topics people tend to avoid in polite conversation. There can be many reasons for this…

Did You Remember to Designate a Beneficiary?

Did You Remember to Designate a Beneficiary? When reviewing current beneficiary designation or if you are completing these forms for the first time, you need to consider not only who the primary beneficiary is, but also what happens if that primary beneficiary predeceases you.

Easy Ways to Save Money (As a Senior)

Sometimes getting older means living on a fixed budget due to having less income and having higher medical bills, mortgages, and care giving needs. For this reason, seniors look for more ways to save money. Here are some discounts and that you may not be aware of.

Gray Divorce: Dividing Assets Can Impact Retirement

A divorcing couple must typically negotiate a property settlement agreement to divide assets. Retirement plan benefits are often among the most valuable marital assets to be divided, along with houses, cars, and bank accounts. The laws of your state will define which retirement benefits are community property assets that are subject to division.

Phone Scams – How to Protect the Older People in Your Life

Fake telemarketing is a billion dollar business for scammers and the large majority of the victims are over the age of 50. Phone scams target seniors because older adults are twice as likely to make a purchase over the telephone. Learn more about a couple of popular scams.

The Cost of Aging

Healthcare does not have to wreak financial havoc on your retirement if you plan properly. The first step towards financial freedom in your golden years is research. No one can hit a target they can’t see, so blind estimates about costs are futile and potentially dangerous. It’s never too late to start developing a retirement budget, and the best way to do so is to get hard numbers.

Video Games Aren’t Just for Children

You may think of video games as an activity for teenagers to pass the time; something for kids, but not really for adults. Did you know that more than 25% of gamers are over age 50, and over 40% are female? Today video games are for everyone, including seniors. There are a variety of games that assist with physical fitness and cognitive function. If you liked games as a child, then it’s just the case of finding the right game for you as an adult.