How to Choose an Elder Law Attorney

As the world population continues to grow significantly, so too does the elderly population in the United States. Statistically, the number of older adults in America has seen significant growth over recent years. Many experts estimate that by the year 2050, the elderly over 65 will outnumber the younger population of 21 years and younger. […]

What Are The Consequences of Elder Abuse?

Unfortunately, those who’ve vowed to do no harm can sometimes do the most harm, and this is true in nursing homes and other assisted living facilities. According to the World Health Organization, around one in six people aged 60 and over suffer abuse in retirement communities – abuse that can leave lingering physical and emotional consequences […]

Doctors Recommend Living Wills During The Pandemic

More than 214,000 people across the United States and over 16,500 people in California have passed away from COVID-19 and related issues in the past eight months. Many of these individuals would have never expected that they would contract and succumb to a fatal illness this year, and many people might not have had time […]

COVID-19 Can Take A Toll On Seniors’ Mental Health

While anxiety and concern related to the pandemic affect people of all ages, the elderly may be more susceptible to mental health disorders during this time. Do you know someone who is beginning to show signs of aggressiveness, confusion, and other inappropriate behavior? As loved ones age, it’s natural for some changes to occur. Occasional […]

Long-Term Care Options for Seniors

Senior citizens in the State of California have numerous options when it comes to long-term care. Long-term care comprises many types of support services and medical services that happen over a lengthy time. Although long-term care services do not involve just senior citizens, if someone is 75 years of age or older, there is a […]

Can I Virtually Execute My Estate Planning Documents?

By the Law Offices of Lisa C. Bryant, INC. The pandemic has touched our lives in many unforeseen ways. It has served as a wake-up call for many to get their estate planning done. Many attorneys are meeting with clients virtually or by phone; however, for estate planning, many documents require witnesses and/or notarization. In […]

Transfer on Death Deeds – Do I still need a living trust?

Under ordinary circumstances, if you own real property at your death in California and it is not titled in joint tenancy or held in a living trust, you would be facing a probate situation. In 2015, California created a special form of “revocable transfer on death deed” that (1) makes a donative transfer of real property to […]

Will the 2020 Election Affect Your Property Taxes?

By the Law Offices of Lisa C. Bryant, INC. When you own or invest in property, there is a lot to think about. You have to think about repairs, get in contact with someone like my conveyancing if you’re wanting to invest in a new property, keep an eye on the state of the market, and on […]

COVID -19 is Causing Nursing Homes to Evict Vulnerable Residents

Recently, United States Senator Sherrod Brown and 11 additional Senators urged the Department of Health and Human Services and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to take action in support of nursing home residents across the U.S. Reports have indicated that nursing homes throughout the country have discharged or evicted about 6,400 residents who needed […]

Protect Yourself from Tax Fraud

Fraudsters are getting more and more creative. It is important to understand some of the common ways these individuals try to steal your information and even your tax refund! Learn how to protect yourself from this tragedy.