Can My Nursing Home Take My Stimulus Check?

Can My Nursing Home Take My Stimulus Check? Many people and households suffered serious financial losses due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In response, the federal government passed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and. Economic Security (CARES) Act, which, in part, provided stimulus checks to millions of Americans. Each adult who earned less than $99,000 per year should […]

Watch Your Wallet! Medical Deductions (Part 2 of 2)

In our last article we provided some ways in which you can make medical bills, nursing home care, and special needs or age related home additions and modifications work for you to save money on taxes.Here are some more ideas for tax deductions, including alternative medicine, and services for special needs care. We shall explore timing your expenses for maximum deductions as well as other entities like a special needs trust.

Watch Your Wallet! Medical Deductions (Part 1 of 2)

Are you ready for tax season? Learn about some tax tips that could put more money in your pocket! Besides the relatively familiar expenses of doctors, dentists and prescription medicines, here are some other costs that you can deduct. Part 1 in a 2 part series.

When and Why Do You Need a Formal Home Appraisal?

Ensuring that you know when it important to have a formal home appraisal can help you and your family at all points of life—whether you are buying a home, or your family is administering your trust or estate at your death. 

Four Reasons Your Parents Might Be in Financial Trouble

Children are always concerned with their elderly parents, whether it is with their health, happiness, or their financial situation. Read more to learn about ways to identify and resolved issues with elderly parents and their financial situation.

Easy Ways to Save Money (As a Senior)

Sometimes getting older means living on a fixed budget due to having less income and having higher medical bills, mortgages, and care giving needs. For this reason, seniors look for more ways to save money. Here are some discounts and that you may not be aware of.

Tax Cuts & Jobs Act – What You Need to Know

The biggest tax reform in twenty years was passed on Dec 22, 2017 known as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA). It makes fundamental changes in the way families and businesses calculate their federal income tax bills, and most individual provisions stay in effect from 2018 through 2025. Learn more…